Tuesday, November 14, 2006

With a Little Help from My Friends

I've decided to learn the damn piano. Know why? 'Cause I want to. I can play chords and a melody now pretty badly, but I want to be able to actually play competently in couple of years. So the Professor is going to help me out. Scales again. And what he calls the Rosetta Stone. This will test my patience, but what the hell, it'll help my bass playing, so it's worth it.

Also, my friend and good drummer Scott convinced me that a bass player of my ability should not have to substitute teach to make ends meet. So, he's probably right. My fault. I'm lazy, as I've said before, and what you should do to work is make the phone ring. Dave Ashkenazy is a shuffling mo-f0. Calling people, hitting jams, staying on the scene. You know what I do? I sit and wait for the phone to ring. Bad Ryan. Get off your lazy white ass and spread the word that you exist. So I will, probably next Tuesday. I hate jam sessions, but it's what you gotta do sometimes. Anyone interested in joining me (Jeff), let me know.

I'm a bit eviscerated at the moment. I can't wait to slow down a little. Dancing With the Stars is on, and I'm glad I'm missing it. My in-laws never miss it. They think Mario will win. I think it's better than watching Wheel of Fortune.

By the way, the word of the day is gauche, pronounced GOHSH. It means awkward, clumsy, socially, that is. I have been feeling quite gauche lately, I just have very little creativity in the old noodle. I better get some back: Parkers' tommorow with Massey and Cunningham. Gotta keep up, gotta get good grades. The future's so bright... anyone?


KPL said...

I hear ya man. I feel like I'm lazy, because I rarely get the shit done I want to (or at least done in a timely manner). But then again I work two paying jobs (65-75 hours a week this holiday season)and one non paying job (the press). In between (sometimes during) I eat, sleep, shit, shower and shave. If there is time to workout, write, photograph I'm simply too tired or lazy to do so.

But all the hard work will pay off right? Ha. Silly me!

Anyway, yes you are a lazy bastard. Good luck in reversing your nature! Maybe I'll stop being sarcastic.

Anonymous said...

uh...lazy; it's ok to be lazy; it's just not ok to not be ok with it, but yet still be it (lazy); if you are truly lazy, bask in it and be proud of it, my little grasshopper. let's drink some beer

Anonymous said...

I gots me a blog too!

Anonymous said...

Amen brother!